Keynote Speaker / 2021
Alastair Simpson
"Designing a More Human Future"
As technology has become central to society the role and responsibility of design has grown. We are in a moment where we can shape the next frontier and we can no longer take the risk of overlooking the essentials like ethics accessibility and inclusion.
In this talk, we’ll look at how technology and design are changing and the role we can play in shaping a better future through our craft.
Meet Alastair
Alastair Simpson is a leader and mentor, serving as VP of Design at Dropbox. He loves working with multi-disciplinary teams to solve complex business and interaction design challenges.
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About the organizer
UXservices is a specialized user research and user experience design consulting firm, based in Istanbul, Turkey. UXservices has a global reach to latest UX and usability know-how thanks to its active role in international organizations like UXPA, UX Fellows and IAI. UXservices has credentials and experience in a wide variety of interface platforms at different industries including telco, banking, finance, retail and more.
Contact us
Eski Büyükdere Street.
Maslak Business Center, Block: A Floor: 8
Sarıyer / Istanbul – Turkey
Phone: +90 212 276 06 43