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Plan-Evaluate-Deliver (PED): A new framework for heuristic UX evaluation

Usability professionals have widely accepted and applied heuristic evaluation since the 90’s. In the last twenty years, the digital context changed a lot, and usability expanded to UX. The evaluation methods should adapt to these changes. That is the main motivation to develop the Plan-Evaluate-Deliver (PED) framework.

Heuristic evaluation is basically an expert review of digital systems; it’s low-cost and fast, hence quite popular in the industry. PED provides a structured, step-by-step framework for heuristic evaluation practices. The framework is based on research studies and industry applications, and it addresses debated inadequacies of the conventional heuristic evaluation methods. This talk will be the first presentation of PED to UX community and will walk the audience through the steps of the framework.

PED is expected to enable UX professionals to detect UX problems more effectively and to offer better improvements for digital systems.

Who is Oğuzhan Erdinç

Oğuzhan Erdinç is an associate professor of industrial engineering at İstanbul Kültür University. His academic career started with ergonomics and continued with UX and service management. He collaborated with leading researchers and published several studies, including the Turkish adaptation of Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ), with its developer Dr. James R. Lewis. His recent focus is UX evaluation tools and methods, as well as how to improve UX of digital systems. He developed Plan-Evaluate-Deliver (PED) framework to be used by researchers and professionals for heuristic evaluation. He continues teaching, training and research activities in ergonomics, UX, and service management.

About the organizer

UXservices is a specialized user research and user experience design consulting firm, based in Istanbul, Turkey. UXservices has a global reach to latest UX and usability know-how thanks to its active role in international organizations like UXPA, UX Fellows and IAI. UXservices has credentials and experience in a wide variety of interface platforms at different industries including telco, banking, finance, retail and more.


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