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Touching Lives of Special Children with UX Design: Achieving more with less

Otsimo, categorized as a social startup, was primarily launched for children with autism, then embraced all with special education needs. Of course, every step of the decision-making included UX design. In this keynote, we will talk about how to conduct UX research, the problems we faced, how to fulfill needs, product design and cognitive friction, privacy issues, a trial-error method with agile UX, etc.

Who is Mehmet Çam

Mehmet graduated from Computer Education and Instructional Design (CEIT)-METU, and believes that design has a big impact on global education. Now, he’s the head of design at Otsimo, where he has worked as a product designer previously. Mehmet has the chief responsibility to provide the best experience to kids and their families.

He always starts the projects with the “Why, How, What” method. He follows the Dieter Rams’ 10 principles for good design. Also, Mehmet prompts his design team to consider 5 key principles when they start a new project: “human-centered”, “global education”, “cognitive”, “reliable, functional, accessible” and “delightful”.

About the organizer

UXservices is a specialized user research and user experience design consulting firm, based in Istanbul, Turkey. UXservices has a global reach to latest UX and usability know-how thanks to its active role in international organizations like UXPA, UX Fellows and IAI. UXservices has credentials and experience in a wide variety of interface platforms at different industries including telco, banking, finance, retail and more.


Contact us

Eski Büyükdere Street.
Maslak Business Center, Block: A Floor: 8
Sarıyer / Istanbul – Turkey

Phone: +90 212 276 06 43

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