2021 / Panelist
Mustafa Altay
"Building Experience Design Culture in an Agile Organization"
- What does Experience Design mean for your organization?
- How Experience Design brings value to the organization?
- How UX design fits into Agile methodologies?
- What kind of tools and methods do you apply?
- How do we ensure the success by defining and measuring design quality?
Meet Mustafa
Analytical and solutions oriented Manager with +18 years in both IT, UX, Product Management and Strategic Management.
Technical and managerial lead with experience in guiding teams to improve efficiency of state-of-the-art systems on time, customer oriented and under budget.
Contribute strong managerial skills with business relationship management, project management, hands on technical acumen, information architecture, business and user centered analysis skills through design thinking approach to achieve best user experience, to define business objectives and execute Digital strategy. Successfully bridge the communication gap among users, business and technology groups.
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About the organizer
UXservices is a specialized user research and user experience design consulting firm, based in Istanbul, Turkey. UXservices has a global reach to latest UX and usability know-how thanks to its active role in international organizations like UXPA, UX Fellows and IAI. UXservices has credentials and experience in a wide variety of interface platforms at different industries including telco, banking, finance, retail and more.
Contact us
Eski Büyükdere Street.
Maslak Business Center, Block: A Floor: 8
Sarıyer / Istanbul – Turkey
Email: conference@uxistanbul.org
Phone: +90 212 276 06 43